Who am I?
Certainly not anyone that has any business writing a food blog. I’m not a chef. I’ve never done any long term stints in the foodservice industry, and I’ve never been to culinary school.
What I do have is taste buds, a stove, 1 or 2 measuring cups, and an overwhelming disdain for long-winded blog posts when I just want to know how the fuck to cook something. I also have the mouth of a sailor. I’m creating this solely because I see a need in the world for more recipes and less blabbering on. I am here to fill that need.
My ultimate desire for fewer words in a recipe is not meant to insult the amazing food and photos and time that has gone into so many wonderful cooking blogs out there. I see you, appreciate you, and I adore you.
Where did these recipes come from?
Mostly me. My mom. My friends and family. If there is a recipe that I’ve adapted (and there are a handful), it is noted in the recipe with the proper links and credits. The photos are my own unless specifically noted otherwise. If you would like to adapt any recipes for your own blog, go for it. Just throw some credit my way. If you for some reason want to use my shit cell

Funeral Potato Casserole
Also. there are some people that contribute directly. The first paragraph will note anyone that may have contributed the recipe, and also have some people with guest author rights to the site as well. You can review contributor bios here: https://www.justthefuckingrecipe.net/contributors/. Are you interested in contributing to the site? Drop me a line: https://www.justthefuckingrecipe.net/contact-me/.
You kick ass!
Awww, thank you!
When I look for a site to show me how to change oil on an automobile, I do not want to be delivered the history of the auto industry or the blogger’s driving record. Thanks for your straight forwad, terse approach providing to the point cooking recipes. Most other sites try to sound like FoodTv scripts, personal biographies or inspirational development encouragement. WTF? Thanks for what you do.
No problem, dude. I’m just trying to help people enjoy the recipe and cooking process. God to know it helps!
Nice. Bookmarked. You rock.
this is the greatest website of all time
Great recipes!
Hell, yes! Going to make the Chicken Oscar tonight. I’ll be back for more.
Great idea for a recipe blog, actually getting to see the recipe. I am a chef and when looking for inspiration I just need to see the F’ing recipe. Thank you.
Love the idea for a blog on recipes, just the recipe please. I am a chef and when I am looking for inspiration I would just like tose the F’ing recipe please. Thank you for that.
You made me laugh out loud when I found your blog on Pinterest.
You nailed it. Save the drivel and get to the recipe.
Thanks, Wendy!
Thank God for this website. I am weary of reading someone’s life history and love story with a meal whilst trying to find the fucking recipe. The world needs more of this.
Every time I have to use a website that is not my own I lost my fucking mind. I get it, man.
I would like to submit a recipe. Its a drink called an “oatmeal cookie” its dead simple.
1 part irish cream
1 part butter schoch schnaps
1\2 part cinnamon liqueur ( fire ball works)
Stir or shake and serve on the rocks!
I love your premise! Thank you!
Wow, many years later and I’ve got the Kahlua pie recipe! This holds some nostalgia for me personally as the last time I had this pie was back in 07′ when Marie Calenders was still open. It was great when you could purchase a whole pie for $5! Well, thank you very much for the recipe, I’m gonna try this in the next day or two. Recently made key lime pie and it turned out so incredibly delicious that I ended up making 6 in the last week. Well, thanks again for your work and content you post. I’m bookmarking this site and greatly appreciate that you skip the pathetic stories that no one wants to read about and I support what you’ve got going on here 👊🏻
I’m so glad you are able to enjoy it! Luckily, we still have one Marie Callandar’s here, so I can still snag one when I’m feeling lazy.