Quick Notes: Crepes are a learning process. If you’ve never made crepes before, there are a lot of very long-winded recipes out there with some awesome tips. I might recommend starting with one of those. Sweet and Savory Peach Crepes was a recipe I got from a friend, and originally the sauce recipe was half this size. I just really liked the sauce so I doubled it. If you like less, just use half of my suggested amounts.

- -For Crepes
- 3/4 c flour
- 3 large eggs
- 3 tbsp melted butter
- 1 c milk
- 1/2 tsp salt
- -For Filling
- 1 package cream cheese, softened
- 1 12 oz package of cottage cheese
- -For Topping
- 2 cans of sliced peaches in heavy syrup
- 1 c sugar
- 2 tbsp cornstarch mixed with water
- In a medium-sized saucepan, add the can of peaches (along with the juice) and sugar. Put it on a burner over high heat. We want it to come to temperature pretty quickly. Pro-tip, set your spoon on a plate or something, not your countertop because this shit will set up like concrete and is super hard to get off your counter.
- Once the sauce begins to boil, turn heat down slightly, and allow it to cook for 3-4 minutes.
- Mix the cornstarch with 1.5 tbsp water, and add to peach mixture.
- Reduce heat and let it simmer while you cook the crepes. The sauce should thicken to become more syrupy. The sauce should coat the back of a spoon. If this isn't happening, turn the heat back up and add a little more sugar, and then turn it back down.
- Remove from heat and let it cool slightly.
- In a large bowl, combine softened cream cheese along with the cottage cheese. Set aside. This is your filling.
- Add all crepe ingredients to a blender and mix until combined. (this step can be done in a bowl, but this is easier. It also makes for easier pouring later).
- Heat a frying pan over medium heat. I use a medium-sized pan. You can do this with a larger or smaller pan, it will just make larger or smaller crepes.
- Once the frying pan has warmed, grease it with butter or cooking spray.
- Pour some of the crepe batter into the warmed frying pan. Swirl it in the pan until the entire surface is covered with a very thin layer of batter.
- Cook the crepe until the outside edges start to brown and the top layer begins to solidify (much like you would with a pancake).
- Flip the crepe and cook the opposite side, about 30 seconds, or until you can easily lift the edges with a spatula.
- Remove from heat and place on a plate. I like to set a piece of wax paper between the crepes to keep them from sticking together, but it's not completely necessary.
- Realize your first crepe is complete trash (because the first crepe is always complete trash) and eat it out of anger.
- Continue steps 1-8 until you've cooked all the batter. It usually makes between 8-12 crepes depending on how large you've made them.
- Fill crepes with cheese filling. There are a couple of different ways to do this. You can spread it across it like you're buttering bread and then fold it in fourths, or you can do it like a burrito. Either way is fine.
- Top with a few peaches, and a generous ladle of sauce. The sauce is very sweet but should be offset nicely by the savory filling.
- Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with sides, or on their own.
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